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Become a Summer Camp Affiliate (Tips Inside!)

Writer's picture: Kristen RudKristen Rud
Did you know that you can offer a special sign up code to your community for Spiritual Summer Camp, and rally your girls to come with you! Affiliate codes will give your friends a $50 discount + you'll get a $50 kickback!

Learn more and apply for the affiliate program here.

Five Effective Ways to Share SSC With Your Community:

1. Send out personal invites.

There's something special about a personal recommendation from someone you trust. When someone receives a recommendation from a friend or family member, they're more likely to trust the recommendation and take action. This can lead to higher conversion rates and ultimately, higher earnings for you- the affiliate.

2. Share your personal experiences.

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. -Simon Sinek 

It's not enough to simply present this retreat and expect people to flock to it. It's important to communicate the underlying motivation and purpose behind you sharing. How has MM and Spiritual Summer Camp personally affected you?

3. Use the provided visuals.

Sharing the photos that we provide adds relatability to your story. By including images that showcase the experience, your friends are able to visualize themselves there. This can create a stronger emotional connection and increase the likelihood of attending. 

4. Understand the target audience.

Use your time wisely by knowing your audience and sharing camp with the right women. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Seek out those who share similar values and interests. By doing so, you'll be able to create a supportive community that will make your time at camp even more enjoyable.

5. Offer your own value.

Don’t be afraid to enhance the camp experience for your community by offering something special to go along with their ticket if they sign up through you. The more value you can offer to your community, the more likely they are to choose to sign up through you.

Download these tips in PDF form, and save them for later:

Need more support? Please feel free to reach out with questions, comments and concerns!

Xo, MM

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